Monday 2 February 2015


Hey Cuties ^.^

The first week of school has just passed and it's not bad tbh. I'm taking some fun subjects Such as: Drama, Film & Tv, Visual Art and graphics. Then I also have the compulsory subjects math and English. Schools not always bad, everyone always hates it when they really shouldn't.

I know it sounds cheesy but if you try to make it fun it actually can be. Some teachers are the reason why school can be hella boring but sometimes you don't try to make it fun because of your hatred of school. But I mean don't get me wrong I can't wait to finish school. They say when you're having fun times flies by, so try to have as much fun as possible and hey school will be over before you know it.

This year I'm in year 10, this is the year of foundation for my year 12 tests & subjects for uni. Although my social life takes up 90% of my life I really need to focus on school. And I kinda spend most of my life online so yea...

I don't do all that well at school, lately I've been trying harder and I've gone from failing to a C and in some classes a C to 
a B. you might think it doesn't pay off but when you do that test at the end of grade 12 and get a higher mark than your friends, you can prove that working hard actually pays off in the end and you can have a great future! 

Also if maybe there's nothing to motivate you to do well at school do a deal with your mum, like I do. Since I don't have a job I try to find as many ways as possible to earn money. Find a money price that's maybe not too much but enough with your mum and set it on a grade. Maybe $25 for an A? Then because you want that money you'll be motivated to study more and do better, so in the end it's a win win situation! Getting good grades and gaining money!

I believe in all of you cuties and have fun, school only takes up a small part of your life! The average australian lives till 84! If you do your math, the 12 years spent at school only takes up 1/7th of your life! ^.^ I hope you do well this year and be positive.

Bye cuties!
- J

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